المؤسسة الأسترالية اللبنانية كرمّت عجاقة والطلبة والداعمين واستقطبت رجالات عالمية


بعيدًا عن السياسه، بعيدًا عن الحفلات التقليديه الممله، بعيدًا عن اوجاع العالم، وقريبا من اجيال المستقبل وتشجيعهم على التحصيل العلمي ولدفعهم الى أعلى المراتب”. اقامت المؤسسه الاستراليه اللبنانيه كعادتها كل سنه حفلاً مميزًا وراقيًا جمع وجوه الجاليه بكل اطيافها، وبرهنت ان رئيستها العميده فادية ابو داغر غصين تدرك ان العمل ليس بالخطابات والشعارات انما بالافعال والممارسه وهذا ما استهدفته المناسبه التي استقطبت من العالم رجالات بارزه حاضروا في التحديات التي تواجه الكون بيئيًا وصحيًا وتجاريًا وخاصه الشبيبه. ومن هو لا المحاضرين الطاقه العلميه المقيم في الولايات المتحده الاميركية الاستاذ زياد السنكري، والعالم العربي الذائع الصيت طلال ابو غزالة، والوجه الطبي التلفزيوني الدكتور انطوني  رحايل الذي يدور العالم بمهمة الترويج للتراث اللبناني.

الحفل اقيم في المكان الذي يليق به اي في جامعه سيدني وشارك فيه سعاده قنصل لبنان العام الاستاذ شربل معكرون وعقيلته جوان والمطران روبير رباط ورئيس داير مارشربل الاب اسعد لحود والاخت الهام جعجع وفعاليات الجاليه المهنيه والفكريه والاعلاميه والاجتماعيه، بالاضافه الى رجال الاعمال الذين تقدمهم السيد جورج غصين الذي يدعم هذه المؤسسه منذ تاسيسها بكل فعالية وبدون حدود.

وخلال المناسبة أرتأت المؤسسه ان تكرم شخصيه استرالية لبنانية بارزه هي رئيس مجلس النواب السابق جان عجاقه الذي القى كلمه شكر فيها المؤسسه ورئيستها واعضاءها على هذه المفاجأة، مؤكدًا على ان المحبه هي اساس الحياه، قائلاً “هذا ما اشعر به تجاه الوطن والعائلة والمجتمع”.

والمناسبه التي عرّفها الاستاذ اندرو خوري وقدمت اطباقها الشهيه مؤسسه خزامي، شهدت تكريم اربعه طلاب من استراليا هم ماثيو نيكلوس، الذي القى كلمه باسم رفاقه الطلاب، ومايكل بجاني وانجيلا ساسين وسليم الشدياق، واثنين من لبنان هما جوزفين حرب وجاكلين البطي.  كما تم تكريم الداعمين بشهادات تقديريه لمواصله مساندتهم الماديه والمعنويه منذ سنوات طويلة.

اما رئيسه المؤسسه الساهرة على نشاطها منذ تاسيسها في العام 2004 البروفسورة فاديا بوداغر غصين فقد القت كلمه بالانجليزيه جاءت على الشكل التالي:



Professor Fadia Ghossayn Speech:

For the past 20 years, the ALF has been steadfast in its mission: to Foster higher learning, so that our young students can lead a life worth living.

The ALF desires to expand minds, and Open Hearts to God’s miracles of life, of family, of opportunity and of service.

Since starting the ALF in 2004, we have known seven prime ministers.  Since then two billion people have been born on this planet.

A lot has changed.  More will change even faster.  And your anxiety, dear students about your future is perhaps more intense than what we felt, when we were your age.

Although we celebrate Innovation, we hope that certain principles never change:  Like the value we place on family and love- of-community.  In 20 years, we have hosted countless events to learn about business, health, education, art, music, politics and technology in order to maintain strong roots, and flexible branches.

The roots referred to our foundations, as a community that values citizenship.  To be a good citizen, means to engage and to share.  To be a great citizen, means to participate and to give.  To be an EXCELLENTcitizen means to sacrifice and invest in other people’s children so that everyone benefits.  So that a COUNTRY become a SOCIETY that becomes a COMMUNITY that becomes a NEIGHBOURHOOD.

Sadly, the blessings we enjoy down under, have left to one negative feature, and that is.. we lack a sense of urgency.  Our great life here has made our society slow.

Tonight, dear students, I urge you to ignite your passions, and inflame your determination, and clean out your rooms, and mind and junk, and bad habits and start tonight with laser-sharp focus on your studies. Even though you might switch degrees, and find new interests, you must embrace “the now” with the sense of urgency.  With a level of emergency to take this life, this opportunity, this blessing, earnestly.

Australia is still a young nation. Your ancestors in Lebanon trace a family tree back 12,000 years.  They are cheering you on. They are proud of you. They need you to respect their sacrifices, and continue the great Lebanese traditions of innovations, exploration, and dedication… here in  Sydney: as Australians… with a Lebanese connection.  As Australians with a Lebanese Foundation.

On behalf of everyone here tonight, I Wish You Every Blessing.


وفيما يلي نص كلمة الطالب ماثيو نيكلوس

Student Mathew Nicolas speech:

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman, Distinguished guests, and families and recipients of the Australian Lebanese foundation scholarship.

It is an honour and privilege to address you all, navigating through the topic of what makes education so significant for Lebanese students here in Australia.


For generations, our Lebanon was considered a prospering haven of education producing some of the brightest pioneering minds recognised internationally(some of which are with us today) Where Lebanese students around the world showed their remarkable resilience in the face of specific challenges. However, during the economic crisis and political unrest in Lebanon, many students faced difficulties that threatened their education, where hundreds of thousands of students have not attended a class since October 2019. To combat this face on, the Lebanese community did what they do best, assisting their people, finding creative solutions like crowdfunding campaigns and scholarships to continue their studies. Where their determination to pursue knowledge in the midst of chaos is truly inspiring, a testimony to the Lebanese resilience. A quality us students here today not only admire, but more significantly attempt to mimic.


Through these examples and many more, Lebanese students have demonstrated their unwavering persistence. Proving that no matter the challenges they face, they are determined to overcome them and achieve their goals. Their ability to adapt, persevere, and support one another is truly commendable, a commendation I extend to all the students being celebrated today. It is no simple feat to consistently display the aforementioned qualities throughout your schooling, and on these grounds I congratulate you all.


Whilst giving thanks to all the parents, I acknowledge their pivotal role in ingraining the importance of tertiary education in their children, which gives us Australian Lebanese students our drive and passion. Education has become a highly valued means to overcome challenges and achieve personal and collective success. Education equips us individuals here today with the knowledge and skills needed for employment, enabling us to become active contributors towards our respective communities here in Australia. Through education, the Lebanese community around the world can embrace innovation, address societal issues, and create a brighter future.


In closing, I would like to thank the Australian Lebanese Foundation and Professor Fadia Ghossayn for organising such a prestigious event and encouraging further education.