Arab Summit concludes with an agreement on key issue

The Arab League Summit, held in the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, concluded with the adoption of key decisions regarding the region.
The summit was chaired by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia and saw the return of Syrian President Bashar Assad who was suspended 12 years ago.
In the final statement of the thirty-second session of the ordinary Arab League summit, the significance of the Palestinian Cause for the entire Arab nation was highlighted.
The League reaffirmed the Arab identity of occupied East Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine and stressed the State of Palestine’s right to full sovereignty over all territories occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem.
The activation of the “Arab Peace Initiative” was also highlighted as crucial.

The statement also urged the Lebanese authorities to continue their efforts to elect a president and to form a government at the earliest opportunity.
Additionally, the Lebanese government was called upon to undertake necessary economic reforms to overcome the severe crisis.
Concerning the Syrian issue, the draft statement emphasized the renewed commitment to safeguarding the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and stability of Syria.
It also stressed the importance of intensifying efforts to assist Syria in overcoming its crisis.
Full solidarity was confirmed in preserving the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Sudan, according to the statement. The statement considered the internal crisis in Sudan as an internal matter and rejected any interference in its internal affairs, emphasizing the need to preserve the country’s institutions.
Similarly, addressing developments in Libya, the draft statement affirmed the commitment to the unity, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the country. It denounced all forms of external intervention and called for refraining from escalation. The statement also highlighted the commitment to the unity and sovereignty of Yemen, extending continued support to the legitimate Yemeni government led by the Presidential Council under the leadership of Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi.
It also emphasized the importance of enhancing the role and support for the government.
The statement also called for backing the comprehensive fight against terrorism by the Somali government, particularly against Al-Shabaab, with the aim of eradicating the group.
The Somali National Army received praise for its efforts in combating terrorism.
The statement reiterated the absolute affirmation of the UAE’s sovereignty over its three islands, namely Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb, and Abu Musa.
Regarding the Iranians, the statement welcomed the recent agreement reached between Saudi Arabia and Iran in Beijing.
The agreement includes the resumption of diplomatic relations, the reopening of embassies, and the activation of a security and economic cooperation agreement between the two countries.
On the other hand, the statement condemned the incursion of Turkish forces into Iraqi territory and demanded the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Turkish forces.
The statement also strongly condemned all criminal operations carried out by terrorist organizations in Arab countries and around the world. It called upon Arab nations that have not yet ratified the Arab Convention on Counterterrorism to do so, emphasizing the importance of collective action against terrorism.