MP Andrew Charlton Hosts Domestic Violence Roundtable

MP Andrew Charlton Hosts –  Australia

Dr. Andrew Charlton MP, Federal Member for Parramatta, and New South Wales Women’s Safety Commissioner, Hannah Tonkin, recently hosted a roundtable.

Specifically, the event took place at Cumberland Women’s Health Centre and addressed domestic violence in Western Sydney. Consequently, it brought together grassroots service providers and leaders.

Moreover, government officials and local services joined to address support system gaps for domestic violence victims in Western Sydney. Dr. Charlton emphasized the hard work of women on the ground.

In his words: “Our job is to listen, identify service gaps, and close them to end domestic violence.” Additionally, the Cumberland Women’s Health Centre has been a cornerstone of support for 30 years.

Then, This centre provides essential services like counselling, healthcare, and crisis support in Western Sydney. Commissioner Tonkin, therefore, stressed the need for collaboration across jurisdictions and within the community.

Additionally, She highlighted the complexity of domestic and family violence, which requires a comprehensive approach. Thus, flexibility is needed to address these issues and strengthen informal networks.

Furthermore, the roundtable called for a reframing of domestic violence, especially for women isolated by their visa status. Despite this, these women are often excluded from essential services.

Dr. Charlton concluded: “Today’s event was crucial in hearing firsthand the challenges and gaps in services for women affected by domestic violence.”
