Four Australians feared dead after military chopper crash

Four Australians are feared dead after a chopper, that was involved in the Exercise Talisman Sabre military exercise, crashed into the ocean near Hamilton Island in Queensland at about 11pm on Friday.

It is believed the aircraft may have been involved in exercises between the Australian and US military when it crashed at about 11pm with four people on board.

Defence minister, Richard Marles, said a military helicopter engaged in a two-helicopter mission ditched in waters close to Hamilton Island last night. There were four crew aboard.

He said because a second helicopter was present a search and rescue mission was able to commence immediately.

“As we speak to you now, the four air crew are yet to be found. The search and rescue are continuing and we desperately hope for better news during the course of the day. Our hopes and thoughts are very much with the air crew and their families.

“The families of the four crew have been notified.”

Search efforts were delayed by bad weather, but the wreckage was found washed in the water south of the Hamilton Island Shute Harbour.

Talisman Sabre, is the ADF’s biggest training exercise, involving more than 31,000 soldiers, marines, sailors and pilots from across 13 countries.