Improving Access to University in Outer Suburban Communities

The Albanese Government will make it easier for people in outer suburban communities like
Werriwa to go to university.
The number of university study hubs will double across the country, including establishing hubs in
the outer suburbs of our major cities for the first time.
The Government will establish 20 new Regional University Study Hubs (formerly Regional
University Centres) and 14 new Suburban University Study Hubs.
This delivers on the first immediate action of the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report
released on Wednesday.
Member for Werriwa, Ms Anne Stanley MP, said this will make it easier for young people who live
outside the major cities to get a degree.
“Almost one in two Australians in their late 20s have a university degree, but that’s not the case in
the outer suburbs or regions.
“In the next ten years, more and more jobs will require a university or TAFE qualification.
“The postcode you live in shouldn’t be a barrier to getting a degree.
“The Hubs will provide support close to home for students that would otherwise need to travel long
distances to get to and from an inner-city campus.”
The Government will invest $66.9 million to establish the 34 new Hubs in areas without a physical
university campus and where the percentage of the population with university qualifications is low.
This delivers on the first recommendation of the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report.
Locations will be determined through a competitive application process run by the Department of Education.